Application under Helmut-Schmidt Programme (Fully-funded Scholarship) - Video 2/2

The below video explains the following:

  1. Main requirements and qualifications
  2. The required documents for your application
  3. How to fill DAAD application form (the Scholarship Form)
  4. How to fill OVGU application form (the University Form)
  5. Some tips regarding your letter of motivation
  6. How to prepare your C.V
  7. How to prepare your education documents
  8. Where to find the English language requirments
  9. How to prepare your proofs of previous experience
  10. Merging your documents and sending them by email


Links mentioned in the video:



This video is meant to provide some guidance and basic information to help applicants submit their application for the master's of Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) under DAAD Helmut-Schmidt Programme. The instructions provided by PACS and DAAD websites are the only reliable source and cannot in any way be replaced by this video.

Please read and explore carefully the DAAD and PACS websites before you submit any application.

Please submit clear and visible documents, bad quality copies may lead to the rejection of your application


You can go back to the first video to know some basic information about PACS and DAAD scholarship.


Last Modification: 05.02.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster