Valerie Waldow


Faculty of Humanities, Social Science & Education
Institute II Political Science
  • since 10/2017 Research Associate and Lecturer at the Chair of International Relations, Institute of Social Sciences, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
  • 09/2018 German-Kazakh University Almaty, Kasachstan, Lecturer (Flying Faculty Programme DAAD)
  • 07/17 viva to Dr. phil. (PhD equivalent) in Political Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
    (Thesis: »Demokratie, Liberalismus und Gewalt eine begriffsorientierte Kritik der Demokratiespezifischen Gewaltforschung«)
  • 2010-2013 granted Doctoral Fellow, Walther-Rathenau-Kolleg/Moses Mendelssohn Centre Potsdam
  • 2009-2010 Teaching Fellow, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
  • 2009 Visiting Scholar, International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO);
         Research grant: Norwegian Research Council/E.ON Ruhrgas Scholarship Programme for Political Science
  • 2007/08/09 Training Scholarships »The Diversity of Human Rights«, Inter-University-Centre Dubrovnik,  Kroatien/Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Institute of Philosophy
  • 2008 Master of Arts, Peace and Conflict Studies, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
  • 2007 Research Assistant (Tutor), Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Institute of Philosophy
  • 2004 Magistra Artium (Philosophy, German Studies), Leipzig University


  • since 2008 diverse activities in transnational political education, focus region: Russian Federation 
  • organisation of various interdisciplinary workshops and conferences in Germany and abroad
Research Focus


  • Democratic theory
  • International political theory
  • Rationalities of international interventions and governance
  • Hope and critique in IR




Research Monographs

  • »Die Gewalt der Demokratie. Eine begriffsorientierte Kritik der Demokratiespezifischen Gewaltforschung«, Nomos Baden-Baden, 2019, in press. (peer-reviewed)

Book Chapters

  • »The spirits we cite, or: How even democratic war theory reproduces what it opposes«, in: Martill, Benjamin/Schindler, Sebastian: Theory as Ideology, Routledge Series on Worlding beyond the West, 2019, in press. (peer-reviewed)

 Edited Volumes

  • isolation und ausgrenzung als post/sowjetische erfahrung: trauerarbeit. störung. fluchtlinien, editor (together with Johannes Spohr and Luca Bublik) edition assemblage, Münster, 2016.

Presentations and Conferences (Selection)

  • »Hope and Critique in the Anthropocene«, Workshop: Hope in the Anthropocene, Charles University Praha (CZE), 28. November 2018
  • »Mit Gewalt gegen Gewalt. Menschenrechtsschutz und Demokratie im Spiegel globaler Governance«, Lecture Series of the Department of Human Rights, OvGU-Magdeburg, 20. November 2018
  • »For all Futility. Hope, Resistance and Critique«, Millennium Conference on International Relations, London (UK), 27.-28. October 2018
  • »Beyond the Map. The End of Critique and the Quest for New Political Imaginaries«, Pan-European Conference on International Relations (EISA), Prague (CZE), 12.-15. September 2018
  • »Doing as If. Hope and Critique in IR«, BISA-Workshop Performing Utopia, Queen Mary University of London (UK), 25. May 2018
  • »Reading democratic war study through conceptual politics - a claim for politicisation as research strategy«, 11. Pan-European Conference on International Relations (EISA), Barcelona (ES), 13.-15. September 2017
  • »The spirits we cite, or: How even democratic war theory reproduces what it opposes«, EWIS Workshop »Theory as Ideology«, Cardiff (UK), 07.-10. June 2017
  • »Tanya don't cry!« Subversive artistic practice and governmental repression in contemporary Russia on the conflicting process of a politicisation, CEEISA-ISA Joint International Conference, Ljubljana (SVN), 23.-25. June 2016
  • »Contested politicisation, or: How even democratic war theory reproduces what it opposes«, CEEISA-ISA Joint International Conference, Ljubljana (SVN), 23.-25. June 2016
  • »...what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?« A performative-reflective dialogue on the political economy of the IR classroom« (gemeinsam mit Philipp Rödel), 9. Pan-European Conference on International Relations (EISA), Giardini Naxos (ITA), 23.-26. September 2015
  • »Zur (Un)umstrittenheit der liberalen Demokratie in der demokratiespezifischen Gewaltforschung«, Greifswald University, Institute für Political Science and Communication, 29. June 2011
  • »Liberal-democratic warfare - theoretical and normative considerations«, Final Workshop of the Research Group »Liberal Peace and the Ethics of Peacebuilding«, Oslo (NOR), 16./17. November 2009
  • »Demokratien im Krieg Entgrenzung der Gewalt im Kampf für universelle Werte?«, Conference »The Diversity of Human Rights. Human Dignity and Violence«, Inter University Centre in Dubrovnik (HRV), 8.-12. September 2009


  • Newman, Edward/Paris, Roland/Richmond Oliver P. (Hg.): New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding, New York: United Nations University Press, 2009; in: Journal of Peace Research, 47 (4), (2010), Book Review
  •  »Dinge, die einem demokratischen Volk schwerfallen liberale Demokratie und Krieg als Mittel der Politik«, in: Dialog, 2 (50), (2011)

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