Lecture Series and Discussions
Summer Term 2024
Online Event: Q&A about Peace and Conflict Studies Master's Programme
We are offering a Q&A session on the application procedures for
- applicants with a national degree,
- applicants with a foreign degree
- and applicants for the Helmut-Schmidt-Programme.
Keep in mind that this event is for you to join and ask specific questions. So, please come prepared.
Make sure to check out our website in advance and see if you can find the answers you are looking for there:
Admission information: https://www.pacs.ovgu.de/Admission.html
Application under Helmut-Schmidt Programme (Fully-funded Scholarship)
Video 1/2
Video 2/2
FAQs - https://www.pacs.ovgu.de/FAQs.html
Register by sending an email with the subject “Q&A Event” to
You will receive the link to Zoom upon registration.
Summer Term 2022
Event Series: Jobs after PACS
- 20.04.2022: Academia - Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer
- 11.05.2022: NGOs - Linda Koch
- 08.06.2022: Beauftragte des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt für die Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur (in German) - Birgit Neumann-Becker
- 15.06.2022: Peace Education, State Centre for Civic Education Baden-Württemberg - Claudia Möller
- 22.06.2022: Mediation - Dr. Kristina Roepstorf
Lecture Series: “Den Krieg gegen die Ukraine verstehen - eine interdisziplinäre Analyse des Konflikts”
- This cooperation between the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal and the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg analyses the ongoing war against Ukraine using interdisciplinary perspectives. PACS' head of programme, Alexander Spencer, is one of the main organizers of the lecture series. Researchers from both institutions as well as experts from different fields of practice share their insights on the conflict. Registration via LSF is necessary! If you are interested in the contents of this university-intern series, an overview over the individual events can be found here.
Winter Term 2021/22
Guest Lecture from Kyrgyzstan
- 19.01.2022: “The Taliban are back in Control: What Next for Afghan Students?” - Waris Ahmad Faizi and Parwin Faizi, Aizura Batyralieva and Dr. Galina Gorborukova (American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
Winter Term 2019/20
Lecture Series: Media & Violence
- 20.11.2019: 'Ethics in Photojournalism' - Christoph Bangert
- 18.12.2019: 'Terrorism & the Media' - Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer
- 22.01.2019: 'Conflicts & Video Games' - Dr. Axel Heck
Guest Lectures from Kyrgyzstan
- 11.12.2019: 'Women in zones of ethnic/territorial conflicts in South Kyrgyzstan' - Dr. Makhinur Mamatova
- 12.12.2019: 'Interrogating Agency, Structure and the Everyday - Women's rights, realities and engagement in Kyrgyzstan' - Dr. Makhinur Mamatova
Summer Term 2019
Lecture Series: Everyday Conflict
- 08.05.2019: 'Hate Crime: An Introduction' - Dr. Daniel Geschke
- 22.05.2019: 'Sexual Harassment in University Contexts' - Hanna-Sophie Schüz
- 05.06.2019: 'Weisser Ring - The Only Nationwide Victim Support Organization' - Theresa Zickert
Winter Term 2018/19
Lecture Series: Gender
- 27.11.2018: 'Gender, Discourse and Institutional Change: Feminist Political Science Perspective on the Radical Right in Parliaments' - Jenny-Antonia Schulz (FU Berlin)
- 04.12.2018: 'Conflicts over Forests, Livelihoods and Gender Relations in India. A Critical Feminist Analysis.' - Dr. Christine Löw (Hochschule Rhein-Waal)
- 22.01.2019: 'Queer/ing Development? LGBTIQ Rights, Development Politics and the Revival of (Sexual) Modernization Paradigms' - Dr. Christine M. Klapeer (Uni Göttingen)
Lecture Series in Cooperation with the Chair of Philosophy: Human Rights
- 20.11.2018: 'Mit Gewalt gegen Gewalt. Menschenrechtsschutz und Demokratie im Spiegel globaler Governance' - Valerie Waldow (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg)
- 11.12.2018: 'Menschenrechtspflichten von Unternehmen' - Prof. Dr. Christian Neuhäuser (Technische Universität Dortmund)
- 15.01.2019: 'Von Seenotrettung zu Sicheren Häfen: der Menschenrechtsdiskurs im Kontext Maritimer Migration' - Dr. Kristina Roepstorff (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg)
Summer Term 2018
- 05.06.2018: 'Italy and the Security-Development-Migration Nexus' - A seminar from eight universities analyzes current EU-African affairs in a cross-site e-learning format. For more information read the press release (German) or click here.
Lecture Series: JOBS after PACS (for more information click here)
- 18.04.2018: Private Mediation Services - Dr. Kristina Roepstorff, Otto-von-Guericke-Universi
tät Magdeburg - 02.05.2018: Peace Education - Anne Druck, M.A., Berghof Foundation
- 16.05.2018: International Organization - Prof. Dr. Eric Chauvistré, OSCE The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
- 13.06.2018: Academic Career - Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer, Otto-von-Guericke-Universi
tät Magdeburg
Winter Term 2017/18
Lecture Series: Research Methods in Peace and Conflict Studies
- 22.11.2017: Discourse Analysis - Prof. Dr. Alexander Spencer (OvGU Magdeburg)
- 06.12.2017: Ethnographic Methods - Dr. Kristina Roepstorff (OvGU Magdeburg)
- 20.12.2017: Film Analysis - Dr. Stephan Engelkamp (King’s College London)
- 10.01.2018: Expert Surveys - Dr. habil. Kai Oppermann (University of Sussex)
- 24.01.2018: Comparative Case Studies - Dr. Andreas Kruck (LMU München)
Summer Term 2017
- 28.06.2017: 'Photojournalists in conflict - The influence of the Israeli occupation regime on international photojournalism in Israel / Palestine' - Dr. Felix Koltermann, Institut für Medien, Theater und populäre Kultur (University Hildesheim). For more information (only in german available) click here.
- 27.06.2017: 'Werkstattgespräche - Insights in the daily lives of our international students'
- Rafael Uribe: From troublemaker to peace exporter? Some rationales behind the involvement of Colombian military in peacekeeping operations (2010-2016)
- Renata Malkes: Prepresentations of peace in Brasilian 21st century cinema
- Celia Schuett: Atelier4 Kunst, Kultur und Entwicklung. An experience report from Kamerun
- 02.06.2017: 'Germany as an actor of peace mediation - Insights into the work of Initiative Mediation Support Deutschland (IMSD)' - Julia von Dobeneck (peace mediator). For more information (only in german available) click here.
- 24.05.2017: ' Theorising humilitation: The interlinks of everyday, institutional and structural domains a case of Dalits in Mumbai. ' - Dr. Ramesh Kamble (University Mumbai). For more information click here.
- 05.05.2017: 'Haiti - Humanitarian Aid in a complex emergency' - Dr. Bernward auf dem Kampe (Practitioner)
- For more information (only in german available) click here.
Winter Term 2016
- 05.01.2017: 'Private Military and Security in international conflicts' - Prof. Dr. Andres Kruck (FU Berlin). For more information click here.
Summer Term 2016
- 07.06.2016: Global Health in the Context of International Cooperation - Olaf Horstick (Uni Heidelberg). For more information click here
- 30.05.2016: 'Das Narrativ zur Wiederkehr der Religion - Überlegungen am Beispiel von ISIS-Bekennervideos' - Hanna Pfeifer (Uni Hamburg). For more information click here
- 11.05.2016: 'West-Sahara als letzte Kolonie Afrikas' - Mohamad Badati (Zentrum für Europäische and Orientalische Kultur) For more information click here
Winter Term 2015
- 20.01.2016: 'Kommunikation Digital Überlebenswichtig bei Flucht, Vertreibung und Migration' - Petra Kohnen (Universität Bonn/ Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg). For more information click here
- 09.12.2015: 'Rolle der Vereinten Nationen in der internationalen Politik' - Prof. Dr. Johannes Varwick (Uni Halle). More information and event poster
- 02.12.2015: 'Gewaltkriminalität in Zentralamerika' - Prof. Dr. Heidrun Zinecker (Uni Leipzig). More information and event poster
- 18.11.2015: Panel discussion 'Flucht, Vertreibung, Migration Welche Verantwortung tragen wir?'- as part of OvGU Winter School 2015. More information on the event poster & here.
Summer Term 2015
- 07.07.2015: 'Die EU-Flüchtlingspolitik und ihre Folgen' - Maximilian Popp (SPIEGEL)
- 22.06.2015: 'Werkstattgespräch' - our international FKF students talk about their home countries
- 10.06.2015: 'Fight for Your Rights - Women Empowerment und Gender Gerechtigkeit' - Discussion evening with participants from Jordan and Tunesia
- 02.12.2014: 'R2P: hot or not? Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf eine umstrittene Norm' - Dr. Bastian Loges (TU Braunschweig), Dr. Reinhard Wesel (OvGU) and Dr. Gabi Schlag (OvGU)
- 26.05.2014: 'Menschenrechte erklären - Perspektiven für den Menschenrechtsschutz in Theorie und Praxis' - PD Dr. Wolfgang S. Heinz (Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte). For more informatione click here
- 09.01.2014: 'Soirée zu Afghanistan - Aktuelle Berichte aus Wissenschaft und Praxis' - Dr. Cornelius Friesendorf (Goethe-Universität / Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung) and Lukasz Kowalczyk (GIZ)
- 12.12.2013: 'Wissenschaft als Beruf in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung' - Prof. Anna Geis (OVGU Magdeburg)
- 28.11.2013: 'Mobilizing Communities in Jerusalem - Grasswurzelaktivismus unter den Herausforderungen der israelischen Besatzung' - Fayrouz Sharqawi and Micha Kurz (Grassroots Jerusalem). For more information visit: http://www.grassrootsalquds.org/
- 23.10.2013: 'Liberal peace, land-grab issue and the role of gender' as part of the course Gender and Conflict and 22.10.2013: 'Evaluation and local experiences of international interventions - Lessons from Sierra Leone' - Dr. Gearoid Millar (University of Aberdeen). For more information click here.